Here at SOMA we know exactly which areas to avoid treating, how much pressure to apply, what positioning is best for you and your baby while providing relief to your aches and pains. We promise we have your best interest at heart. Therefore, it is our obligation to make you aware of the following before you book in. Keep on reading please...


1. When can I have a massage during pregnancy? We advise you always check in with your doctor or midwife before you book in. 

2. What if I have any medical condition? Massage therapy engages the circulatory system, which can alter blood flow in the body and potentially affect certain health conditions. If you have any of the following issues, we must ask that you talk to your doctor or midwife before getting a massage at any point in your pregnancy. 

  • High blood pressure that isn’t controlled by medication
  • High-risk pregnancy concerns, such congenital heart disease or preeclampsia.
  • Recent injury or surgery
  • Recent organ transplant 
  • A history of miscarriage 

3. What's the treatment room like?  We provide a hygienic treatment room, a safe environment for you and your baby. We have an electric couch and a massage chair and use additional bolsters to make you feel comfortable at all times. 

4. What do I need to wear? You can stay in your underwear or shorts and a vest. However you feel most comfortable. We use draping at all times and we will never ask you to expose more of your body than you’re comfortable showing. If you feel uneasy for any reason, be sure to tell us right away. 

5. Anything else I need to know? It's important to hydrate before your appointment. Pregnant women require additional fluid intake anyway, so drink a few extra glasses of water before and after your appointment.

If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Penny @ SOMA

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Make sure to check with your doctor or midwife before you proceed with either a post-natal or prenatal massage. Your therapist has every right to deter treatment if any contraindications become apparent during your initial consultation and should you not have a GP referral.